Anny’s Jam Band – 26Nov

Anny is Anne Keating, stalwart of the Whanganui Musicians Club and lead singer in the band. She advertised her idea four years ago, and has attracted a loyal group of local musos who, in her words, “just want to enjoy life with music”.

There are years of musical experience on stage keeping the groove going. Dave Pitt and Chris Salmon are on guitars, Derek Renata plays bass, Mark Hansen is the drummer and Denis Troufleau plays the keys. And as is the nature of the band, others weave in and out.

They meet up every week on a Tuesday afternoon at the club to work on songs, old and new. The repertoire is a mix of popular music, rock, blues, folk and jazz standards. You will know many of the songs, and you are sure to be tempted to sing along.

Anne explains, “The beauty of Anny’s Jam Band is everyone turns up for practice as there’s no pressure for a gig. Having the booking at Porridge Watson has meant our jams are tight and all the musicians are listening to each other. It’s the best of all worlds – no pressure just pure musical joy.”

■ Come on down to Porridge Watson, 30 Drews Ave, on Sunday, October 30. The band plays from 4-6pm and there is no door charge. It’s a great way to meet up with old friends and make new friends to the sounds of entertaining live music.